About Us

Our Mission

At FurryHelp.com, our mission is to enhance the lives of pets and their owners by providing trusted, accurate, and practical information.

Our Core Values

  • Fast and Accurate Resources: Helping pet owners quickly find reliable information to care for their pets.
  • Continuous Learning: Sharing new tips, facts, and scientifically verified insights about pets.
  • Expertise You Can Trust: Featuring specialists with years of experience in pet care.
  • Truth and Knowledge: Pursuing knowledge with integrity, even when it challenges conventional beliefs.
  • Respect and Openness: Building honest, respectful connections with our readers and team members.
  • The “Mom Test” Standard: Ensuring all recommendations are accurate, trustworthy, and helpful.

Editorial Guidelines

As a trusted source for pet advice, we follow strict editorial guidelines to ensure high-quality content:

  • Providing accurate, up-to-date, and helpful information.
  • Respecting our readers’ emotions and needs.
  • Avoiding sensationalism and focusing on original, informative content.

Veterinary Review and Author Board

Meet our veterinary review and author board members

Dr. Asif Osman

Dr. Asif Osman is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) with three years of experience specializing in small and aquatic animal medicine. He worked as a Livestock Officer for one year in an NGO before transitioning to private practice. Dr. Osman holds both a DVM and an MS in Pharmacology from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.


  • Small and aquatic animal medicine


  • MS in Pharmacology
    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
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